One-to-One English Lessons in London: Unintentional Philosophy

I've been teaching English for more than fifteen years, in England, Holland, Portugal and Japan.

I've taught people from all over the world - Korea, China, Brazil, Argentina, Finland, France, Italy, Russia, Germany, Saudi Arabia, Jordan..... it's a very long list!! So if for any reason you're in London and need English, contact me. I can help you!

Friday, 22 February 2008

Unintentional Philosophy

Went back to England last summer (2007) to teach at St Johns Wood School. Came back at the beginning of September. Chiaki had told me, on the phone, that the man in our local beer-shop had had an accident on his motor-scooter. Nothing too serious but he'd hurt his legs and had to walk on crutches for a while. So I popped in
to ask how he was.

Steve: 'Konnichi wa' (Taking great care over that first 'o')

Beer-man : 'uh' ( he's a man of few words)

Steve : 'Anata no ashita daijobu?'

Beer-man; 'eh??' ' Etto......

Two minutes later, in the local yakkitori shop, ( where you can also get chicken to cook)

Steve:' Sumimasen, Tori ashita wo ni mai kudasai"
Blank expression from the very nice woman trying to serve me. Finally, after a bit of mime, ' ah.....ashi..'
Got my chicken legs and ran!!!!! Home!!!!! And hid my head!!!!!!! Would I ever try to speak Japanese again???

( 'ashi' = 'leg' 'ashita' = "tomorrow' SO......... "How is your tomorrow?' and " Two chicken tomorrows please' And yes, pedants,
"ni mai" is wrong too>

Make My Day!


Anonymous said...

Good day:

It must be exciting where you are!

I am the founder of

Lyrical Passion Poetry E-Zine and I have launched a haiku contest if you would like to visit my site.


Managing Editor

Steve Machin said...

Try to do haiku
Only do low-ku. Need some
Deoderant. Soon.

Anonymous said...

ahahahahahaha ;-D
Steve kawai-♡